Tal Regev



Bosch AI

Software engineer at ANPL, 2016-2018

M.Sc. CS, Technion, 2016

B.Sc. CS, Technion, 2013

ANPL Publications:

  1. T. Regev and V. Indelman, “Decentralized Multi-Robot Belief Space Planning in Unknown Environments via Identification and Efficient Re-Evaluation of Impacted Paths,” Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Online Decision Making in Multi-Robot Coordination, no. 4, 2018.
    Regev17arj.pdf DOI: 10.1007/s10514-017-9659-4
  2. T. Regev and V. Indelman, “Multi-Robot Decentralized Belief Space Planning in Unknown Environments via Efficient Re-Evaluation of Impacted Paths,” in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct. 2016.
    Regev16iros.pdf Regev16iros.slides
  3. T. Regev, “Multi-Robot Decentralized Belief Space Planning in Unknown Environments,” Master's thesis, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 2016.
    Regev16thesis.pdf Regev16thesis.slides