Online Mosaicking & Navigation-Aiding

This research investigated how online mosaicking, based on imagery captured by an onboard camera, can be used for navigation aiding. In particular, introducing a coupling between a gimballed camera, that scans ground regions in flight vicinity, and the mosaicking process resulted in improved image-based motion estimations when operating in low-texture environments. The latter were fused with an inertial navigation system thereby leading to improved performance.

Related Publications:

Journal Articles

  1. V. Indelman, P. Gurfil, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, “Navigation Aiding Based on Coupled Online Mosaicking and Camera Scanning,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, no. 6, 2010.


  1. V. Indelman, “Navigation Performance Enhancement Using Online Mosaicking,” PhD thesis, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 2011.
    Indelman11thesis.pdf Indelman11thesis.slides

Conference Articles

  1. V. Indelman, P. Gurfil, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, “Real-Time Mosaic-Aided Aerial Navigation: I. Motion Estimation,” in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Aug. 2009.
    Indelman09gnc_a.pdf Indelman09gnc_a.slides
  2. V. Indelman, P. Gurfil, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, “Real-Time Mosaic-Aided Aerial Navigation: II. Sensor Fusion,” in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Aug. 2009.
    Indelman09gnc_b.pdf Indelman09gnc_b.slides
  3. V. Indelman, P. Gurfil, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, “Navigation Aiding Using On-Line Mosaicking,” in IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation System (PLANS) Conference, May 2008.
  4. V. Indelman, P. Gurfil, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, “Navigation Performance Enhancement Using Rotation and Translation Measurements from Online Mosaicking,” in AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Aug. 2007.